Title: line-drawer 3
created on 22 Mar 14

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Comments on this picture (23):
1. chelydra wrote:
 Paul Goodman, author of "Drawing the Line" and "Growing Up Absurd". Susan Sontag's reflections on his death are worth reading.
2. chelydra wrote:
 Ahead of his time, an anarchist, a curmudgeon, a nasty man, and one of the all-time great American thinkers. Never much in fashion except among some 60s radicals (like my brother, who was his friend), and now almost erased from history.
3. chelydra wrote:
 Sontag (who called him the most important American writer of his generation) attributed his personal coldness to sexism but my experience with him was identical to hers.
4. chelydra wrote:
 If I hadn't met him I probably would have read his books. (Sontag read first, and met later, so she got hooked.)
5. Burgandy wrote:
 Good story - great picture! Love the shading, and the rugged tan coloring:)
6. chelydra wrote:
 Artificial tan. Here's a cool trick: find a B&W photo that's been processed as a color pic. Swipe it, and boost the saturation and contrast to the max. Behold: weird colors! But don't tell a soul.
7. five wrote:
 Okay putting the rest of is to shame
8. chelydra wrote:
 Cheating (6) forgiven? Whew!
9. mum23 wrote:
 Cheating? Not at all. Breathtaking result!
10. Shanley wrote:
 looks like a masterpiece to me!
11. suzze wrote:
 love the earth tones :)
12. hjjr wrote:
 you continue to amaze
13. indigo wrote:
 UNBELIEVABLE!! That's all I can say! *J*
14. Normal wrote:
 Beautiful portrayal - possibly more than true! Did not recall his name, but remember hearing of "Growing up Absurd." Personlly, I would draw the line at having affairs with students - we all have our druthers.
15. Login wrote:
 A very convincing face. He's so tangible, he emerges from the picture.
16. linmar wrote:
 interesting and amazing series for this showcase :)
17. bugoy1 wrote:
 Beyond having a tremendous image, you've captured personality. They feel familiar already.
18. golehto wrote:
 well done :)
19. chelydra wrote:
 Agree with Normal on Goodman's bad habits. I would quote from memory from the speech he gave a B.U., but it wouldn't be suitable for a family site. The likewise went awry, so this personality isn't really his.
20. chelydra wrote:
 (Likeness was auto-corrected to likewise.) Google images has a photo of PG with pipe and eyeglasses, with a rather cold gaze looking right through you, or past you. That's the look (directed past me) that turned me off him permanently.
21. chelydra wrote:
 But as Sontag opined, the best that was in him went into his writings. The real life personality (and nasty habits) were just leftover dregs.
22. clorophilla wrote:
23. mrozowski wrote:
 I'm always intrigued how negative space is used. So good this looks like a photo.

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